Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well well well...what can I say? Danish cuisine is definitly not my favorite, and I already don't like sausage that much so this was a challenge. But When you are there you have to try what is the local specialty so here I was: A sausage in a piece of bread with some mustard (i wasn't brave enough to also take the ketchup, but I still believe that the guy who invented ketchup should finish his days in jail!).
Anyway it was not that bad. Actually from all the street sausage I tried it definitly beat the Finnish Makkara and the Berlin DDR sausage from the kiosk!
But it is still far from a maroccan merguez or an Andouillette from Normandy.

Verdict: try it if you haven't, don't feel forced to take a second one if you already had one;)

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